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From Odd to Outlandish: The Most Unusual Dental Emergencies Ever

March 29, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — premierdental @ 7:14 pm
Patient surprised by dental emergencies

Dental emergencies are often unexpected and can range from common issues like toothaches to more serious incidents like broken teeth. However, every once in a while, dentists encounter cases that are almost too bizarre to be believed. If you’re curious to see the strangest dental emergencies ever recorded, read on!

1. The Proud and the Palate

A patient staggered into their dentist’s office one day presenting with malaise and other symptoms consistent with infection. The dentist had them sit and open their mouth. A terrible smell followed, revealing one of the worst oral infections ever recorded and a hole in their palate. The patient proudly described how they’d used tissues to keep the hole covered, changing them once a week.

2. Super Glue Fixes Everything

The day started out simply enough for one dentist until an emergency call came in. The patient needed help with her dental crown that had fallen out. However, as it turned out, the woman had used super glue to try to put the crown back. Now her teeth were stuck together along with portions of her lips!

3. The Mouth Garden

Sometimes, nature is truly mysterious. A patient went to their dentist with a toothache, so X-rays were done, and a root canal was recommended. When the procedure progressed to cleaning the root and gums, the dentist had to pause to make sure they were seeing correctly. Deep in the gumline, they found seeds that appeared to be sprouting with tiny plants!

4. The Curious Case of William

William, a British man, stepped into his dentist’s office in 2005 for a routine root canal. However, what followed has stumped phycologists, neuroscientists, and other experts for decades. After his root canal ended, William found that he was only able to hold on to memories for around 90 minutes. While his friends and family have helped him hold on through online journaling and fact sheets, William is stuck in 2005 every day.

While these cases may seem strange, they serve as a reminder that dental emergencies can take many forms. If you experience pain, odd lumps on your gums, broken enamel, or other oddities, call your dentist. These dental dilemmas require attention from qualified professionals! Whether it’s a tomato seed lodged between your teeth or an unusual growth inside your mouth, don’t hesitate to reach out and preserve your dental health.

About the Practice

When you have a dental emergency, you need to know that your dentists have your back. Dr. Farshad Bakhtyari and Dr. Pooyan Refahi at Premier Dental Care are dedicated to helping their patients get out of pain and regain their smiles quickly. They offer same-day emergency appointments and use the latest diagnostic technology to pinpoint your issues fast for speedy treatment. Call (703) 860-8860 to schedule an emergency dental appointment or visit the website to discover other treatments they offer.

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